Hand crafted heirlooms made to last a lifetime. |
Amish Delights™ P.O. Box 2371 West Chester, PA 19380 Telephone: 610-692-7650 Fax: 610-692-2883 E-mail: AmishDelights@AmishDelights.com |
Amish Delights©
Offering the Finest in Hand
Crafted Heirlooms
Personal Experience with the Amish and Mennonites of Pennsylvania
©2003 Amish Delights |
©2002 Amish Delights |
©2002 Amish Delights
©2002 Amish Delights |
©2003 Amish Delights |
Every few months our web site will feature original Amish and Mennonite recipes that have been handed down from generation to generation. A saying often heard in the kitchens of Mennonite women as meals are being prepared is, "Kissin' wears out, cookin' don't."  It's hard to disagree with that! Amish and Mennonite women take extreme pride in their cooking. The women cherish the many compliments about the high quality of their cooking from those who have had the good fortune to experience one of their meals; such as, their family members, friends, or from others within their community.
What we find most impressive while having the privilege of spending time in the homes of the Amish and Mennonite families, is the pride that is taken in their work, homes, and farms. The interiors of the homes are immaculate and spacious. The kitchens are large, and the custom cabinetry work is very impressive. Usually the cabinetry work in the kitchen, and throughout the home, is done by a family member. In most cases, the detail and design of the kitchens put our modern upscale home builders to shame! The edging of the wood designs accompanied by the quality and array of woods used, in any home, is spectacular for a person interested in interior design. Beveled glass or stained glass is frequently incorporated into the upper cabinetry. Backwashes and counters are either of the finest granite, marble, or custom-detailed tile, with designs customarily incorporated within depicting a story. There is always a walk-in open fire "cooking oven" where a large cast iron kettle is situated. The stonework around the tile is detailed and custom-finished.
As guests in an Amish or Mennonite family's home, we have always been shown the "cooking oven." Great pride was placed in its design before the home was even built. No electricity is ever used in strict Amish homes, opting rather to light their homes with gas lights. Water is supplied to the home by hand pumping a well. The Mennonites occasionally will use electricity, but mostly will also use gas lighting. More modern running water sinks are mainstays in Mennonite kitchens.
Although Mennonite and Amish families do not employ most of our
modern-day technologies to produce our typical production-line products; their highly sophisticated, hands-on craftsmanship and skill used to create customized wood work, quilts and other products, more than rivals our culture's production expertise. In our opinion, their products are often clearly superior. It is both a pleasure and privelege to be doing business with such honorable people who always strive for excellence. Their words are their contracts, and respect is always mutual. It is a rare occurrence in today's world to experience a business contract based upon a handshake, but this is the "Amish way." Trust in one's fellow man is built up over years of integrity, while the quality of their work never fades.
We feel priveleged to be working with and befriending such gracious people.
Don Owner, Amish Delights
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